
熱門: 麝香不孕 進補 失眠 消水腫 除霉 主題 天涼泡湯趣 用手機上知識+ 知識搜尋 知識+ > > > 美國 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 知識問題| 勝利之光 發問者:小白 ( 初學者 5 級) 發問時間:2007-05-13 00:46:24 解決時間:2007-05-14 23:19:38 解答贈點:5 ( 共有 0 人贊助 ) 回答:1 評論: 0 意見: 0 [ 檢舉 ] 網友正面評價 80% 共有 5 人評價關於 勝利之光 完美定義的種段??? 拜託各為了 3q.... 最佳解答發問者自選 回答者:Max ( 大師 4 級 ) 擅長領域:美國 | 歐洲 回答時間:2007-05-13 10:54:54 [ 檢舉 ] 勝利之光 Friday Night Lights Coach Gary Gaines: Being perfect is not about that scoreboard out there. It's not about winning. It's about you and your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. Being perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didnt let them down because you td them the truth. And that truth is you did everything you could. There wasnt one more thing you could've done. Can you live in that moment as best you can, with clear eyes, and love in your heart, with joy in your heart? If you can do that gentleman - you're perfect! 參考資料 相關詞: 勝利羽球,勝利女神,勝利,勝利的惡魔,big bang 勝利,勝利果實,勝利百貨,勝利早點,勝利女排,勝利眼鏡 [ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 0 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) 發問者評價 感恩!

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